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Lofted Ambitions: Between Utopia

SixtyNine Seventy Competition, Entry
Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 2013
Client : AIA Utah Young Architects Forum
Team : Sang Dae Lee, Marshall Ford


SixtyNine Seventy, The Spaces Between aims to re-envision the circulation areas and passages of two blocks in Salt Lake City’s downtown. The City boasts a stunning natural setting, numerous cultural amenities, a unique history, a vibrant retail core, and a thriving and diverse business community. Currently, it lacks connection between many of these elements. The design competition seeks to harness ideas that will not only activate the spaces between with creativity deeply rooted in the city’s rich context but act as a catalyst for design-led growth downtown, helping redefine blocks sixty-nine and seventy, and the evolution of Salt Lake City as a whole.